The Agile 2 Academy Leadership Team

Cliff Berg

Senior Director

Cliff is Managing Partner of Agile 2 Academy. As a successful tech entrepreneur, he was co-founder and CTO of Digital Focus, a startup that grew from 2 to 200 people in five years and was known for its success in rapidly building high reliability Internet-facing business critical systems for companies like FedEx, McKesson, United Overseas Bank, and many others. It was acquired in 2006. Cliff’s 2006 textbook High-Assurance Design documents many of the engineering and agility lessons learned. Since then Cliff has helped with more than ten Agile or DevOps transformations, and is a DevOps trainer and subject matter expert. In 2020 Cliff assembled the global Agile 2 team to reimagine “Agile”, and was the lead author of the Agile 2 book. Cliff is certified in the Human Synergistics Organizational Culture Inventory® and Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® assessment tools. He has degrees from Cornell University in Operations Research, Nuclear Engineering, and Physics.



by Javier Garzas

Startup Valley


Keynote in Madrid in 2022, subsequent Panel discussion

Stephen Villaescusa

Director of Transformation Programs

Stephen Villaescusa is a Partner of Agile 2 Academy. He is an experienced consultant, trainer, coach, and business development executive. For nearly 40 years he has led Continuous Improvement, Supplier Improvement Lean, Six Sigma, and other transformation initiatives with hundreds of companies around the world. He also has significant experience in technical recruiting and retention. He worked as a Recruiter and College Relations Manager at IBM, and was a member of the HR Corporate Executive Team at Raytheon. He has a BS in Business Administration from the University of Arizona completing majors in Marketing, Psychology, and Communications. He completed executive certificate programs at Columbia University (Personnel) and the UCLA Graduate School of Business (Procurement).

Dr. Marcelle Bastianello

Director of Organizational Development

Dr. Bastianello is a Partner of Agile 2 Academy. She is an organizational psychologist who consults with the Agile 2 Academy. She is particularly skilled in working with leaders on the organization-specific challenges and opportunities they face as they transform their enterprise. She brings decades of cutting-edge work in IT, general business experience, and an organizational psychologist’s perspective. Dr. Bastianello holds a doctorate in psychology, an EMBA from Columbia Graduate School of Business, and a BS in Physics. As a member of the Agile New England community, she has spoken at local meetings on leadership and team communications as well as at Agile Alliance 2021. She is a Certified Scrum @ Scale practitioner.

Dr. Raj Nagappan

Advisor for Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Nagappan is a Partner of Agile 2 Academy. He is also the founder and CEO of Catum - a software startup for product management tools. He holds a PhD in Machine Learning and Computer Science and has over 20 years experience in software engineering, from startups to banks to software vendors. Raj was on the Agile 2 team, and is a co-author of the Agile 2 book.


We wrote the book on Agile 2!*

We want to share what we know.

“Agile 2 is an important book, one that successfully addresses technology for non-technical managers and management (especially people management) for technologists.”

“This book brings the reader back to the “Why” of Agile, and brings back into focus areas necessary to successfully attain business agility…”

“Rarely do I find a business book which I can't put down till it is done. Agile 2 is the exception to that rule.”


Agile 2 is taking the industry by storm. Be part of the movement!

* We are two of the seven authors of the book Agile2: The Next Iteration of Agile