Our Learning Programs

Learn everything needed to be able to create an innovative and truly agile organization.


Our curriculum is based on the Constructive AgilityⓇ model. According to that model, organizational agility results from three things: culture, knowledge, and behavior.

The Constructive Agility model (simplified view)

The simplified Constructive Agility model at the right shows the learning components of these three elements.

Changing culture and behavior cannot be achieved by rolling out new processes. Behavior manifests as the decisions that people make for how they respond to issues: do they reach across to other affected areas? Or do they just “toe the line” and follow the process—a behavior that is antithetical to agility?

Changing ingrained behavior takes time. Behavioral science tells us that first people need to learn why they need to change, accept that change is necessary, and then learn about new behavioral patterns. Then they need to discover what the change means for them individually, and they need try it, and to practice.

All through that learning journey—that is what it is—they need to perceive that management is committed. They also need to feel that cultural expectations will be supportive of the new behavior. For example, if the new behaviors include reaching “out of one’s lane”, they need to feel that doing that will be safe for them.

Our Training Programs

Behavioral change is not possible without learning what the new behaviors should be. That is where classroom training comes in. Agile 2 Academy provides cornerstone training in agility-promoting behaviors and patterns for solving problems. These are the top and bottom bubbles of the Constructive Agility model.

Constructive AgilityⓇ for Leaders

The Constructive AgilityⓇ for Leaders course covers the topics in the top and bottom halves of our agility model—behavior and knowledge, respectively.

DevOps for Everyone!

Our DevOps for Everyone! course covers the remaining topics in the bottom half our model. Learn how to go faster than a pipeline!

Developmental Workshops

Our courses give you a solid understanding of the foundations — of leadership, collaboration, and flow-oriented patterns through an operations research lens.

But all these rely on behavior. Agility and effectiveness begin and end with behavior. People will tailor their processes to be what they need; but the behavior has to be right. The attitude and incentives must be wright.

In our developmental workshops you practice, over time, with group support, and you improvea lot!


Core Curriculum “go deep” developmental workshops are here.

Business and Technical Workshops

Get hands-on experience of a type that you will not find anywhere else.

Learn how to test effectively — not according to an ideology, but in ways that are informed by a rational approach that optimizes risk and time for each situation. Learn how to make sure that code is not wasted, while also accelerating time to market. Learn how to make sure that you have no skill bottlenecks.

All these are supported by powerful tools that look across your entire codebase — not merely at one repo at a time.


Learn to Make Sure that Your People can Maintain Each Other’s Code

Learn to Optimize Testing

Agile 2 Academy partners with Human Synergistics to cover the bubble on the left in the Constructive Agility model: organizational culture. We are certified in using their cultural assessment tools, and our Agile 2 Foundations course provides a very high level overview of the Human Synergistics cultural model. They offer in-depth courses which are appropriate for organizational change agents, leaders, and those who are involved with people development functions (HR, PeopleOps, etc.).

These are all of the learning tools that you need to create an agile organization.


“First of all please let me share that I am indescribably happy for this work! As a product manager, as a leader, as a software professional I can relate to every single ‘pain point’ you mentioned.”

— an Agile 2 enthusiast