Our Dashboards

We offer a dashboard service that will show unambiguously whether the behaviors in your organization are improving, and how tangible outcomes are improving as a result.

The dashboards are based on our behavioral and outcomes surveys, respectively:

  1. The Agile 2 Assessment.

  2. The Product Agility Outcomes Assessment.

If a sample of the people in the relevant parts of your organization take these surveys on a recurring basis, such as every three months, the dashboards will show a trend. This trend is very clear and unambiguous evidence of whether your efforts at improvement are working.

These leading and trailing indicators get to the heart of the behaviors and outcomes that you expect from your leaders.

We host the online surveys and the dashboard Web applications and microservices. However, if you prefer, you can host them instead.

For Software Development Organizations

For software development organizations, we also offer the EdenSoft Labs* suite of AI-based tools that tell you what the quality of your software is, what skill bottlenecks you have among your developers, how much you are wasting in deleted code after people leave (a sign that people are not cross-trained and that code is hard to understand), how well aligned coding efforts are with management priorities (are people working on what they should be working on?) and how maintainable your code is.

In addition, the tools interpret recent code changes in plain language and explains the changes in a way that business managers can understand! That closes a critical gap between business and tech, helping them to communicate better. Over time, business managers learn more and more about what people are working on and get better at communicating with them about it.

The tools use AI developed by G3 Technologies and perform a horizontal analysis of your code repositories. These are not “single repo at a time” tools.

We only sell these tools in combination with training on how to use them, because these kinds of tools are very easy to misuse. The package includes:

* EdenSoft Labs is a business unit of G3 Technologies.

  • License for the tools (from EdenSoft, a division of G3 Technologies): Technical Debt MRI, PulsePoint, Coding Talent MRI, Adam AI programmer assistant – helps programmers to create maintainable code.

  • Training on:

    • How to interpret the metrics.

    • How to determine root causes.

    • How to change behaviors that underlie the root causes – they need training in leadership.

    • How not to use the metrics.