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Module 1 of Agile 2 Foundations for Free
We have created a slimmed down and highly participative version of our breakthrough training course, Agile 2 Foundations. For those who don’t know, this course is not about Agile 2 per se, but rather covers important ideas from established research that tell us what actually leads to true agility and effectiveness.
And by the way, if people are more effective, that will not only save you money, but it will make you more competitive. And the dashboard that comes with the package proves that things are improving. We can help you to make direct line-of-sight links from the dashboard metrics to money saved and improved competitiveness.
The participative version of the course consists of shorter videos that each focus on one big idea, coupled with collaborative activities that drive understanding.
And guess what? We are so confident in the effectiveness of this new format that we are offering the first module for free, plus the other components that go with the Constructive AgilityⓇ System suite.
We have not removed anything from the course: the original videos are still there for those who want to “go deep” on each topic. But these new single idea-focused sessions will enable people to go through the material much faster, and learn it better.
There is no obligation. We will provide module 1 of the course, including the new format, for free. We will run the collaborative sessions, for free. We are sure that you will want more, but again, there is no obligation at all.
Save your place in line now! Then just select a group to go through it!