Agile 2 Training Report—2022-01-26
We have moved from our study of leadership to focus on cognitive flow and how groups of people collaborate well and make good decisions.
Effective collaboration is not an event: it is a process over time, and effective collaboration about complex issues requires talking, listening, writing, reading, and thinking. And not necessarily in that order or as one-time events.
Your Monolith Is Not the Problem
Organizations want to move fast, and they are often told that they need to “modernize their architecture” as a solution, but architecture is not usually the problem.
To Increase Technical Agility, Focus on Feature Cycle Time
If you don’t focus on the right things, then everything else that you do will have little impact.
To Up-Skill People In DevOps, Beware
Most DevOps training is awful: it is either abstract fluff or it is a tour of tools. In contrast, our DevOps training covers the real issues that occur with multiple teams and multiple products.
Digital Transformation Should Include Agile 2
Coming out of the pandemic and sea changes that we have seen across the business landscape in 2021, managers are trying to figure out what their go-forward strategies are. But one thing is clear: agility is more important than ever.
Don’t Wait to Course Correct Your Agile Transformation
A wait-and-see approach to fixing your agile transformation can lead you into a deep chasm from which it is difficult to come back
Agile 2 Training Report - 2022-01-09
Agile 2 training is not like other agile training. Based on Agile 2, it covers leadership, collaboration, people, culture, flow, and much more. And rather than a framework or someone’s idea of how to “do Agile”, it is real stuff: the leadership content reflects research-based leadership models, the collaboration material is based on cognitive science, and the “flow” content is based on operations research.
Agility Is Even More Urgent For Remote Teams!
Hybrid and even remote work is here to stay, and unpredictability is the new normal. That makes agility even more paramount. Yes, we still need agility. Agile 2 can help!
Teaching “Basic Agile” Is Usually Teaching the Wrong Things
Teaching “basic Agile” is usually teaching the wrong things. Here is a much more effective view of what people need to learn.
Agile 2 Is About Business Agility—It’s Not Just an IT Thing
Agility only happens when everyone is part of it. Issues are continuously arising at every level. Agile 2 is entirely and squarely about business agility as a whole.
Why “Classic” Agile Training Will Lead People Astray
So-called “basic” Agile training often leads people astray, and creates a lot of confusion later. It is better to start them out with foundational ideas that actually work, and add more detail over time as they accumulate experience. That way they are never in a situation of saying “but Agile said this—and that does not actually work.”
Is an Agile 2 Coach an Agile Coach?
An Agile 2 coach IS an Agile coach. You can use an Agile 2 coach wherever you would use an Agile coach. They usually have all the same certifications. But an Agile 2 coach embraces Agile 2 ideas, which reflect what more recent Agile authors have been writing—ideas that are much more mature and enterprise-friendly. Your Agile initiatives will run much better.
Changing Culture Is Not as Hard as You Think
Changing Culture Is Not as Hard as You Think—And you don’t really have a choice about it
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