Are Your People Frantic?
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

Are Your People Frantic?

Are people under so much delivery pressure that they don’t have time to even think about how to improve things?

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How Agile 2 Supports the New AI
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

How Agile 2 Supports the New AI

An organization’s people are your best tool for figuring out how to use the new AI tools. Don’t forget to maintain their environment and their knowledge and abilities, including AI and leadership.

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How to Cut Costs
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

How to Cut Costs

The way to cut costs is to find out what kinds of leadership people are providing, what kinds you need - and who can expand to provide more.

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2022 Year End Message
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

2022 Year End Message

It has been an amazing year in so many ways. Some of it not so good, but a lot of it fantastic!

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The Contradictions of Elon Musk
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

The Contradictions of Elon Musk

Elon Musk presents many apparent contradictions. We have used SpaceX as a model for organizational agility, but that does not mean that we support everything that their founder does, or everything that SpaceX does. Real world situations are always a mixture and not so black-and-white. In this article we consider some of the things to model, and some things not to model.

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Why Process Frameworks Are So Toxic
Stephen Villaescusa Stephen Villaescusa

Why Process Frameworks Are So Toxic

Agile process frameworks might help in some ways, but they actually make you LESS agile! Agility results from minimal process, depending on the situation, and from behavioral norms where people take the initiative and have conversations that can be characterized as appreciative inquiry.

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Invest In Agility During Downturns
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

Invest In Agility During Downturns

A downturn is when you should be “sharpening your swords”. That means investing in improving your agility, your connection with your customers, and your quality.

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The Agile Coach Role Needs a Pivot
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

The Agile Coach Role Needs a Pivot

Organizations tell us that their Agile coaches are ineffective - we hear that again and again. Why is that? We claim that the Agile community has defined the role in a ridiculous way that is inappropriate for what organization's want from their coaches.

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How to Meet the Need for DevOps Skills
Clifford Berg Clifford Berg

How to Meet the Need for DevOps Skills

Digital companies are far more worried about getting the work done than about how efficient they are. Training is the fastest and most sure way to increase capacity. So what if some leave? - what matters is if you have enough capacity.

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