How is culture impacting your organization’s agility?

Unique Opportunity: Agile 2 + Culture Study

Discover the impact that workplace culture has on achieving your transformation goals and support an important industry study!

What We Are Offering

  • An Agile 2 assessment for your organization, at no cost.

  • A culture assessment, using the Human Synergistics® organizational culture model, at a research discount.

Why We Are Offering This

Agile 2 Academy, in partnership with Human Synergistics, is launching a new agility+culture study for organizations that have undertaken or are planning for Agile transformation. We expect the results of this research will bring visibility to the importance of agility-promoting behaviors, workplace culture, and the attributes that distinguish the highest-performing organizations. This study is a unique opportunity for you to learn about your organization’s culture and ways of working and how they impact effectiveness.

We are inviting organizations to participate in the study. You’ll receive a comprehensive Agile 2 assessment at no cost, a culture assessment at reduced cost, and a feedback report and pro bono customized expert debrief of your results.

Human Synergistics is a 50-year global leader in the workplace culture and leadership fields with the mission of Changing the World—One Organization at a Time®. Their Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) is the most widely used and thoroughly researched survey for measuring organizational culture in the world.

If we recruit at least 20 organizations, you will also receive advance access to the final research report so you can compare your results to the composite results for the entire sample, review our statistical analyses and findings, and learn from the associated best practices and recommendations for effective change management.

(Results for your organization will not be separated and presented in the final research report. You can opt to have your organization listed in the report as a “participating organization” or to keep its participation confidential.)

Beyond its hypothesized impact on Agile transformation, culture has been shown to be critical for effective hiring, retention, engagement, innovation, collaboration, customer service, employee satisfaction, and other processes and outcomes associated with sustainability and effectiveness. We hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain insights into this powerful predictor of performance. We look forward to sharing with you the results of previous studies and discussing the methods and any questions you may have about this new study.

As a participating organization, you will have the option to:

•Survey add additional organizational members (if you would like to receive feedback from more than 50). Organizations previously studied have found useful and informative to include additional teams, supervisors/managers, and top leaders.

•Obtain additional consulting or coaching support to help with any related improvement projects or plans.

If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact Cliff Berg with Agile 2 Academy at

What you get

How It Works

  • We discuss your organization’s challenges with you, to identify the units and/or segments of the organization to focus on.

  • We define cohorts from the targeted parts of the organization and recommend sample sizes.

  • Randomly selected members of your organization from those cohorts take a 40-minute survey.

The Cost

This includes a research discount, since the data will be used for our study. The cost is US $2000 + a discounted rate of $26.60/person surveyed. For example, If 50 people are surveyed (typical), that totals $3330.

What You Get

You receive the artifacts depicted below, which represent an in-depth view of your organization’s agility-related behaviors and beliefs, a detailed breakdown of the culture, and an explanation of the results and what they mean for you.

Agility Analysis

An Agile 2 assessment provides a view into the norms and the actual behaviors and attitudes of the members of your organization. It covers issues such as,

  • Can teams complete features on their own?

  • Are deep discussions about issues happening?

  • Do people in leadership roles empower others, or tend to act autocratically?

  • Do people feel that they have an opportunity to advance, or are they “just a team member”?

  • Do interdependent teams actually work together and coordinate sufficiently?

  • Is there effective and sufficient leadership about every category of issues?

Effectiveness Analysis

Culture Analysis

A culture assessment reveals the underlying values and normative beliefs that people share. These often result from organizational structures, such as policies and rules, as well as from the behaviors of leaders.

Culture can motivate behavior; therefore, change behavior, it is essential to understand the organization’s culture.

For example, leaders might desire that people engage in open and honest dialog about issues and problems. However, if the organization has policies and reward systems that encourage internal competition, open and honest dialog is unlikely.

By analyzing and understanding your culture, you can identify how it is blocking desired agility behaviors. That enables you to strategize and to take steps to adjust the cultural drivers that are working against those valued behaviors.


With real data, you will be able to clearly explain what is blocking your Agile initiatives, and what can be done about it

Culture analysis and effectiveness research & development by Robert A. Cooke, Ph.D. and J. Clayton Lafferty, Ph.D. Copyright © 1987-2022 by Human Synergistics International. All Rights Reserved.

Agility analysis by Agile 2 Academy LLC. Copyright © 2021, 2022 by Agile 2 Academy. All rights reserved.