Certification in Innovation and Agility Leadership

The universal career capability that will serve you forever.


Leadership programs from elite institutions are often overly focused on trendy soft skills; but effective leaders need to be full spectrum leaders: they need the full range of leadership skills.

For example, innovation is as much about effective communication as it is about providing inspiration. And business agility requires that managers empower teams, but it also requires informed decisiveness.

In fact, if there is any weak link in the spectrum of leadership, ideas will not make it into products in time.

Our curriculum covers all aspects of leadership.

A certification will not make you a leader, but it will give you foundational knowledge that will accelerate your development as a leader — potentially putting you ahead of many leaders who have experience but don’t know the fundamentals.

On a Harvard leadership program:

“It is kind of useless. It doesn’t relate at all to the issues I am actually having”

– This is a real quote from a person we know who is taking a Harvard leadership course – the daughter of one of our partners

Why get certified?

Certifications that cover real skills are valuable. They show that you have made the effort to learn — that you are serious and are not approaching your profession ad hoc.

We recommend that people who plan to act as a trainer for this curriculum become certified.

To become certified as an Innovation and Agility Leader, you must:

  • Complete all five Core Curriculum tracks of our Constructive Agility Ⓡ for Leaders program.

  • Satisfactorily complete the quizzes and essays, which are optional for those not seeking certification.

  • Complete at least five of the 2-day developmental modules, which focus on improving specific leader behaviors.

There is no better investment you can make in yourself than learning about leadership.

On certification, you receive both a digital and printable PDF certificate, asserting your completion of the leadership program.