A Curriculum for Creating Better Leaders at All Levels

We have made the Agile 2 Foundations course more bite-sized, more interactive, enriched it with more research, and focused it on today’s issues.

Discussions with leaders have told us that today’s leaders must:

  • Create trust, transparency, and psychological safety.

  • Generate effective communication.

  • Have empathy and a high EQ.

  • Provide direction and provide the right amount of sense of urgency (“heat”).

  • Create an esprit d'corps.

  • Treat all outcomes as learning opportunities have a growth mindset.

  • Build trust.

  • Have a willingness to try new things.

  • Ask challenging questions.

  • Be humane.

  • Ask others what is possible.

  • Listen to those who will be affected before implementing a decision.

  • Recognize risks.

  • Apply strategic thinking.

  • Have patience.

  • Be willing to adapt and iterate on strategy.

  • Have good listening skills.

  • Have an ability to sell a strategy.

  • Know how to create a roadmap.

  • Be genuine.

Wow. That’s a lot.

Not to mention know the business and understand how the tech must be used.

And this is not just about you: this is about all of the leaders across your organization, at all levels.

So what can you do to make sure that your leaders are up to the task?

Overview video here.

Get a “taste”:

We are running free “Intro” classes for the first two modules. They are free for 1-3 members of your organization. That way you can sample the content for real, and also provide feedback on it, which helps us to improve it. You can register here.