Introducing Constructive Agility®

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We need a better approach

Agile 2 is not a framework: there are no roles or rules to follow. But people need a pathway.

What does not work is to tell them “how to do Agile”. That is what so many “Agile frameworks” try to do. They say “Here, just do it this way”. But that does not make you agile, because agility does not result from following a process: agility results from the learning and judgment that people acquire in the course of defining their own process.

So we defined a process for doing that: for defining your own processes. We call it Constructive Agility, and it takes you through the learning journey of defining your own processes, guided by Agile 2 ideas.

Instead of a process for “doing Agile”, it is a process for defining your own processes!—it is a learning journey.

In Constructive Agility, every step is an experiment.

There are no recurring meetings! Constructive Agility is event-based.

Culture is a central component.

Table of Contents

Remember — Constructive Agility is a process for defining your own process, and learning in the course of doing that. It is not a curriculum. It is the steps that you go through, over time, to create true agility. The educational curriculum that we recommend is our Agile 2 Foundations series.

Why not use a framework like SAFe, LeSS, etc?

Because SAFe, LeSS, Enterprise Scrum, and many others are based on failed Agile 1 ideas.

Constructive Agility is based on Agile 2 ideas.